13 Jan 2017

Ahlers & Vogel wins lawsuit against German Trade Union

A German shipping company, that was represented by MSI’s German law member Ahlers & Vogel, wins lawsuit against the German Trade Union Ver.di over an illegal boycott.

Due to an illegal boycott in November 2015 Ver.di the national representative of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is obliged to pay a German ship owner damages amounting to a high five-figure sum. The ship owner, represented by MSI’s German law member Ahlers & Vogel, filed a lawsuit against the union with the industrial tribunal in Bremen claiming damages upon the delayed handling and the loss of charter and other financial ramifications as a consequence of a boycott by dock workers against the ship owners’ vessel. Subsequent to the court hearing in September 2016, the union declared full acknowledgement and the court ruled based on a judgment by confession. The partner in charge of the proceedings was Othmar K. Traber from Ahlers & Vogel (Bremen).